Join Stevens Point's northside neighborhood for an evening a music, games, and movies! Nestled into the 500 block of Washington Avenue, local food trucks and beverage makers will bring the goodies, and we'll bring the rest. Our request to you? Bring yourself and a neighbor!
Event details to be announced: RSVP on Facebook for updates!
Thank you to Origin Family Homebuilders for helping us host the first of many Block-Busters!
Designed to foster stronger connections among the neighbors that attend, Block-Busters are a twist on the staple event "Movies in the Park" that brought family-friendly movies to Pfiffner Park and Lake Pacawa. Instead, Block-Busters will bring on-demand entertainment to local green spaces and parking lots across the county, empowering neighborhoods to plan and host their own pop-up block parties through creative use of the mobile trailer that stores all Movies in the Park gear.