NEW Location! Poetry Open Mic


NEW Location! Poetry Open Mic

CREATE Community Room (map)

All poets and poetry lovers are welcome in this inclusive open mic that happens the second Tuesday of every month. Bring your words, stop by to get inspired, or just listen. All people and styles of poetry are welcome. 

SURGE Pitch Competition


SURGE Pitch Competition

CREATE - Community Room (map)

Mix and Mingle with this year’s SURGE participants and other local entrepreneurs at Create’s new collaborative hub. Join us to hear about new business ventures and upcoming projects in our community, and network with regional talent and resources.

NEW Location! Founders Network Stevens Point


NEW Location! Founders Network Stevens Point

CREATE - Community Room (map)

A monthly Meetup for local entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded individuals to meet, share and cultivate ideas together.

NEW Location! Multiplayer Game Night


NEW Location! Multiplayer Game Night

CREATE Community Room (map)

Play a variety of multiplayer games on the big screen! We’re hosting multiple systems, plugged into our projector and Bose array, but feel free to bring your own games and equipment - we’ll hook those up too. All players and games of all kinds are welcome!

House Party!


House Party!

CREATE Portage County (map)

We’re proud to announce CREATE’s Grand Opening Celebration at 1300 Maria dr., featuring a double set from Rucksack Revolution (Adam Greuel from Horseshoes & Hand Grenades and Sarah Vos from Dead Horses) in our Historic Great Hall. Don’t miss your chance to mix/mingle with our creative community and lounge in our new home. We’ll be hosting live art, limited edition raffles (including some relics from CREATE’s past), exclusive membership/rental offers and more!

NEW Location! Artist Meetup


NEW Location! Artist Meetup

CREATE Community Room (map)

Calling all Creatives to Come Hang Out! We’ve had a bit of everyone come out, so whatever your creative drive is, we’d be happy to hang out with you. Do drawings, knitting, beading, talk life/art, painting, write stories, digital renderings, WHATEVER!

Absolute Cinema: Blood Simple


Absolute Cinema: Blood Simple

UWSP Dreyfus Center Theater (map)

CREATE and UWSP are teaming up for a monthly Revival House film series, featuring classic films from the Criterion Collection and beyond. Join us for a $5 Movie Night in the DUC Theater, enjoy free popcorn, and feel free to grab other drinks and snacks from the Brewhouse down the hall! This month we're screening Blood simple, the Coen Brothers razor-sharp, hard-boiled neonoir.

Absolute Cinema: La haine


Absolute Cinema: La haine

UWSP Dreyfus Center Theater (map)

CREATE and UWSP are teaming up for a monthly Revival House film series, featuring classic films from the Criterion Collection and beyond. Join us for a $5 Movie Night in the DUC Theater, enjoy free popcorn, and feel free to grab other drinks and snacks from the Brewhouse down the hall! This month we're screening La haine, an unsettling, and visually explosive look at the racial and cultural volatility in modern-day France.

Absolute Cinema: Paris is Burning


Absolute Cinema: Paris is Burning

UWSP Dreyfus Center Theater (map)

CREATE and UWSP are teaming up for a monthly Revival House film series, featuring classic films from the Criterion Collection and beyond. Join us for a $5 Movie Night in the DUC Theater, enjoy free popcorn, and feel free to grab other drinks and snacks from the Brewhouse down the hall! This month we're screening alongside Point Pride programming with Paris is Burning. This landmark documentary provides a vibrant snapshot of the 1980s through the eyes of New York City’s African American and Latinx Harlem drag-ball scene.

Trivia Unplugged 2025


Trivia Unplugged 2025

Noel Group Hangar (map)

Quizmasters Jim 'the Oz' Oliva & John Eckendorf officiate this six-hour contest and local arts & creativity fundraiser, which challenges teams of ten to prove their trivia skills using nothing but their wits.