We are making CREATE's 48-Hour Film Fest COVID-19 friendly!! To accommodate social distancing, we are taking this year's competition online. Participate remotely as we challenge filmmakers from around the world to put their skills to work!
Over the course of just one weekend, teams that fall within your community's gathering guidelines will dream up and produce a short film that is then screened for a global audience via CREATE Portage County's Facebook Live immediately after the close of competition.
To add to the fun, we will draw details -- the genre, a line of dialogue, some stock footage, maybe a prop or character -- that your team will receive in an email right as the timer starts! The specific details that will appear in your film will be emailed to your team captain at exactly 6 PM on Friday, April 24th. Your captain will also receive release forms for any actors appearing in your films. We also require that your production process respect all social distancing or shelter-in-place guidelines that your community is under. Filmmaking will commence with the receipt of that email. All films and accompanying release forms must be received by 6 PM on Sunday, April 26th.
Registration is $50 per team. Day-of registration costs $75. Teams can be of any size as long as you stay in compliance with social distancing recommendations for your community. Collaboration and team bonding are part of the fun but we are emphasizing public health and safety first and foremost. Team captains will receive the participation agreement and other details when you register.